Instagram Privacy Check Message – Checkpoint Required: Meaning & How to Fix

People are experiencing issues with their Instagram mobile app all over the world. A weird message started appearing at the top of the feed of many Instagram users on Thursday morning, April 21, 2022.

The message usually reads checkpoint_required and prevents users from using the app properly. In some cases, the message reads Privacy Checks. It is also said that some users just see a black screen while using Instagram.

As of now, the issue is persisting on both Android and iPhone versions of the app. Thousands of Instagram users used Twitter to report that Instagram is not working properly.

“Checkpoint Required” Explained

The reason behind the appearance of the “Checkpoint Required” message is likely a global bug on the Instagram app. It means that there is nothing wrong with your device or internet connectivity.

The occurrence of bugs is quite common on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

The technical team of Instagram must be aware of the bug and already working to fix it. Your Instagram app will start working in no time. However, you can try some potential ways to fix the bug on the app yourself.

Checkpoint Required Or Privacy Checks: Possible Fixes

Method 1: Close the app and relaunch it.

Method 2: Log out of your Instagram app and log back into it. Many people have reported that doing that helped them get rid of the Checkpoint Required message on Instagram.

Method 3: Reboot your phone, then launch the Instagram app.

Method 4: Uninstall the app and reinstall it from the App Store or Play Store.

Method 5: Update your Instagram app to the latest version.

If the above method fails to solve your issue, you can try using the Instagram web on your mobile browser or computer. The issue may not occur on the Instagram web.

 So, you can log into your Instagram account using a browser until the Instagram team fixes the bug on the mobile app.

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