How to Find Deleted Friends on Snapchat

There could be many reasons for deleting a friend from your Friends List. One of them could be, you don’t want to interact with someone anymore or the other could be an accidental click on the Remove Friend button.

Have you accidentally deleted someone from your Friends List and want to add them back?

Worry not, there’s a way to re-add them back to your list.

You can easily find your deleted friends using the instructions mentioned below.

How to Find Deleted Friends on Snapchat

There are several ways to add a deleted friend back to your list. The last method (although a lengthy process) is a guaranteed way to find your deleted friends.

1) Using your Friends List

If you have removed someone as a friend from your list, he/she will still be in your Friend List for a short period of time with a “+” icon on the right side of the name. To add them, click on your profile at the top-left corner and tap on My Friends. Now, click on the “+” icon on the right side of their name.

That’s how you can re-add them to your Friends List.

This feature will only work if the other person follows you.
A deleted friend will be on your list for a short duration.

If this method doesn’t work for you, try out the next one.

2) Using their Usernames

If you remember your friend’s username, you can add them back easily.

  • Open Snapchat and click on the Add friend icon at the top-right section.
  • Type username on the search bar.
  • Click on Add.

3) Using Their Snapcode

This method only works if you have your friend’s snapcode saved to your phone. Just select their snapcode and Snapchat will find them and add them to your list.

  • Open Snapchat & click on the Add Friend icon at the top.
  • Click on the ghost icon at the right of the search bar.
  • Select your friend’s snapcode from the gallery.
  • Snapchat will now scan the code and add the person to your Friends List.

4) Using Contacts List

If you have saved your friend to your contact list, it may be easier to find them.

  • Tap on the Add Friend icon
  • Click on All Contacts at the top-right section.
  • Find your friend and click on Add.

5) Find your Friend by Downloading your Snapchat Data

If nothing works, this will surely help you to find your deleted friends on Snapchat. You need to download your Snapchat data.

For this, you must link your email address and verify it.

How to add and verify Email:

  • Open Snachat App and tap on your profile at the top-left corner.
  • Clcik on the Settings icon at the top-right corner.
  • Tap on Email and enter your email address & click on Save.
  • Open your Email and verify it.

Download your Data:

  1. Click on the link >> Snapchat Data
  2. Enter your username & password.
  3. Select My Data.
  4. Now, you’ll be taken to the My Data page. Scroll to the bottom and click on Submit Request.
  5. You will now receive an email. Open your email and click on the link provided to download the data. (Note: It may take sometime to receive an email).
  6. Enter username and password.
  7. You will be taken to My Data page.
  8. Under the first sub-heading “Your Data is Ready“, click on the file link with the extension .zip (the file name looks like mydata~……zip)
  9. Your Data will now be downloaded.

The process to be followed after downloading the data:

  • If you’re using a desktop or a PC, extract the downloaded file.
  • For Windows, right-click on the file and click on Extract. If you are using a Mac, double tap on the file to extract it.
  • Open the extracted file.
  • Click on html file.
  • Click on friends.
  • A new page will open in your browser. You can see all your Deleted Friends on the page.

If you are using a mobile, you cannot directly open the download file. First, you need to extract it.

  • To extract the file, download Files by Google Application from the Play Store or App Store.
  • Open the App and allow it to access files.
  • Click on Downloads and find the file that you’ve downloaded before (with .zip extension).
  • Click on the file and tap on Extract.
  • Now it will show you all the files that have been extracted. Search for friends.html and open it using a browser or any other recommended options.

It will show you the list of all your deleted friends.

I hope this helps you to recover your deleted friends on Snapchat. If you’ve any queries, please leave a comment below.

1 comment
  1. so when trying the my data way does it show their username ID to add them back or does it only show their name. The ID is the unique name created only for your account and would be how you search their account to add them is that what shows up

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