How to Add A Link To TikTok Bio 2022

Do you want to add a link to your TikTok bio?

Fortunately, TikTok allows you to do that. However, you need to have a business account to add a clickable link.

If you have a personal account, you first need to switch it to business which will then enable an option to add a website link in your bio.

It’s easy to convert your personal account to business in a few simple steps. You can even reverse the process if you want to.

So, let’s first see how to switch your account to business.

How to Switch to a Business Account

Step 1: Launch the TikTok app on your device and tap Profile in the bottom right corner.

Step 2: Tap the menu icon represented by the three lines in the top right of the screen.

Step 3: Tap the Manage account option and then select Switch to Business Account.

Step 4: On the next screen, tap Next.

Step 5: Choose a category, then tap Next.

That’s it. Your account is successfully switched to a professional account.

Now you can add a clickable link to your bio and here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Go to your profile page.

Step 2: Tap Edit Profile.

Step 3: Tap Website and enter the link you want to add.

Step 4: Tap Save in the top-right.

As mentioned earlier, only business profiles can add a clickable link to their bios.

The only way for a personal account to insert a link is to add it in the bio section. However, the link will be non-clickable.

Step 1: Tap Edit Profile.

Step 2: Tap Bio.

Step 3: Add the link and tap Save.

You also need to take care of the bio character limit which is 80.

It is recommended to switch to a business account that will allow you to add a clickable link.

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